Confirmation Signal

Error Signal

C o p y

To copy line assignments, call restrictions, and most programmable features from one voice terminal ( the source ) to another voice terminal ( the target ), do the following:

1Enter administration mode.

2Touch the Auto Intercom button or dial the intercom number of the target voice terminal.

3Touch Copy.

4Touch the Auto Intercom number or dial the intercom number of the source voice terminal.

5Continue to administer the system, or leave administration mode.

NOTE: If you want to copy from one source to several targets, you have to repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 for each target voice terminal.

Many of the administration and programming procedures described in this manual require you to enter a star code (that is, dial * plus one or more digits). Many procedures also require you to enter intercom numbers or other sequences of digits.

If you enter a star code the system recognizes and then enter intercom numbers or another sequence of digits consistent with the star code, the console beeps twice when you touch Administer to conclude the procedure. The two beeps confirm allowable input.

If you dial a star code the system does not recognize, enter a nonexistent intercom number, or enter one or more digits inconsistent with the administration or programming procedure, the attendant console beeps once to signal that you have made an error.

To recover from the error, do as follows:

1 Touch Administer.

2 Begin the procedure again.

This concludes the preview to system administration. Go on now to make sure your system is ready to use.

3-10Salon 3: Administering the System

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Image 42
AT&T 999-507-144 system manual Confirmation and Error Signals, Confirmation Signal Error Signal, P y, Touch Administer