This Section provides descriptions of System 25 hardware components and their functions. The hardware is covered under the following major headings:
● System Cabinets: Includes Circuit Pack (CP) carriers and CPs.
●Terminal Equipment: Equipment that can be connected to voice or data station ports.
●Peripheral Equipment: Equipment that can be connected to the Call Processor CP.
● Auxiliary Equipment: Service- and
●Connectivity: E q u i p m e n t a n d a r r a n g e m e n t s f o r i n t e r c o n n e c t i n g t h e v a r i o u s elements of System 25 hardware.
Note: Equipment that indirectly associated with a specific feature or service covered in Section 2 is also described there; such equipment is noted in this Hardware Description section, with a reference to the appropriate heading in Section 2.
All system hardware, except Cabinet 1 equipped with Call Processor, Memory, and Service Circuit CPs, and associated cables is optional.
A listing of Product Element Codes (PECs), Apparatus Codes, and Comcodes is provided in Section 5, “Parts Information.”
System Cabinets (J58901A1)
The system can consist of one, two, or three cabinets (Figure
● Cabinet | 1 (always | the | Call Processor, Memory, and Service CPs | |
of the | system and | can also contain up | to | nine port CPs. |
●Cabinet 2 or 3
The CPs receive power, control signals, and data via the backplane bus of the carrier and associated
The Call Processor and Memory CPs are also connected via a ribbon connector cable referred to as the “Front Plane Bus.’’ This cable connects the front edges of the two CPs.
The cabinets have a brown front cover with beige top and sides. The front cover has a system identification stripe across the top.
Each cabinet is constructed of sheet metal and is 13 inches high, 17 inches wide, and 21 inches deep and weighs about 75 pounds fully loaded. A three cabinet system occupies a vertical space of about 40 inches. It is recommended that the cabinets be placed on a desk- or
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