Attendant Console
●Direct Trunk or Switched Loop Attendant Console: An electronic
●Direct Extension Selector Console: Provides the attendant with a visual
indication of the active or idle status of extension numbers assigned in the system. Also allows the attendant to place calls to system users by operation of appropriate H u n d r e d s G r o u p S e l e c t b u t t o n s a n d a s s o c i a t e d D i r e c t Extension Selection (DXS) buttons.
Auxiliary Equipment
●Dictation Equipment
●Delay Announcement Devices
● External Alerting Devices (external alerts)
●Paging Equipment
Auxiliary Trunk
A trunk circuit used to connect auxiliary equipment to the switch, for example, music or dictation equipment.
BLF: (Busy Lamp Field)
BPS: (Bits Per Second)
Bit (Binary Digit)
One unit of information in binary notation (having two possible states or values, zero or one).
Bridge (Bridging)
The sharing of the same extension by two or more voice terminals.
A circuit or component that isolates one electrical circuit from another. Typically, a buffer holds data from one circuit or process until another circuit or process is ready to accept the data.
to transfer information over a common any of several destinations.
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