Allows a
●On the
●On a LOOP button at a Switched Loop Attendant Console (SLAC; V2).
To answer a returned call at a DTAC, the attendant presses
To | answer a | returned call at a SLAC, the attendant merely lifts the handset to | be connected | ||
to | the ringing | loop. |
| |
When the | |||||
loop | is not available at a SLAC, the returning call remains in the console queue. The system | ||||
will | continue | to attempt to ring the called station until the | is idle | or a | |
loop | is open. | When Attendant | set to | zero |
s e c o n d s ) , c a l l s r e l e a s e d b y t h e a t t e n d a n t t o b u s y t o n e a r e r e t u r n e d t o t h e c o n s o l e immediately.
●Attendant Console, Direct Trunk: As long as an Attendant Console remains
active, the call will return to the attendant who transferred it.
●Attendant Console, Switched Loop (V2): A returning call is directed from the console queue to a LOOP button on any available console that is administered to receive it.
●Attendant Direct Extension Selection: If a call to a Floating PDC (FPDC) is returned to the attendant, the FPDCs status LED on the Selector Console will flash during ringing and go dark when the call is answered.
●Direct Group Calling: External calls not have a delay announcement will specified number of rings.
that are camped onto a DGC group that does return to the attendant console after the