Account Code Entry: Allows users to have an account code or project number
. associated with each call record.
Direct Group Calling (DGC): For an incoming call to a DGC group that is connected to an announcement and never answered, “O” will be reported in the “STN” field of the call record. If the call is answered by a station after receiving the
. announcement, that station will be listed in the “STN” field.
Modem Pooling: SMDR records do not reflect modem pool resource usage.
. Tandem Trunking (V2 only): If an outgoing call is originated by a tandem tie trunk, the tandem trunk’s FAC is recorded in the STN field. If no FAC exists for this trunk, then the
Administration Requirements
Send SMDR records To SMDR Port (Yes, No) - Default = Yes
Minimum length (seconds) of calls that are reported by SMDR
Hardware Requirements
An AT&T Model 475 printer or any standard
The printer can be directly connected to Port 2 of the Call Processor ZTN82 (V1) or ZTN128 (V2), or switched access (either on- or
Detailed connection information is provided in Figures
Maximum cabling distances are provided in Section 5, “Technical Specifications.”
Call Accounting System (CAS)
Two types of CASs can be used with System 25:
. CAS Model
.CAS Model 200, 300, 500, or 2000 Software Package associated with an AT&T Personal Computer (PC) 6300.and a