AC Power Line Surge Suppressor
The TII Model 428
346 | Modular Bulk Power Supply |
The | 346 Modular Bulk Power Supply (346 MBPS) is | a | cost effective and flexible alternative |
to the | be | used where the wall outlet mounted |
System 25 requires
Major points of connectivity include the following:
●The system
Refer to Section 5, “Environmental Requirements” for a typical System 25 layout including
● Modular | jacks located at | each work station | provide modular | connections | for |
t e r m i n a l s a n d a s s o c i a t e d a d j u n c t s a n d a u x i l i a r y e q u i p m e n t . T h e s e j a c k s | a r e | ||||
connected | by building wiring | to the SIP. Several | wiring options are | described below. |
Wiring Options: There are three basic PECs under which building (station) wiring is ordered:
●The 2772
respectively. These PECs apply on a per
Consult the
Trunk Access Equipment (TAE)
The TAE (Figure