Interactions (Standard Group Coverage)



Attendant Console, Direct Trunk: If the Direct Trunk attendant

is a receiver


a Call Coverage Group and extends a call (using the Start button or Selector Console)

that is unanswered/busy to a member of the group, the call will return On the

Return-On-Don’t-Answer (RTN-DA) or Return-On-Busy (RTN-BUSY)

button, not


the attendant’s COVER-GRP button.



Automatic Intercom: Auto-Intercom calls do not receive call coverage.

Call Coverage— Individual: Unanswered calls to a station, provided both Individual and Group Call Coverage, will first ring at the Individual Coverage station and then, after a second delay cycle and still unanswered, will ring at the Group Coverage station.

Call Coverage/Station Hunting: A call to a busy single-line voice terminal that is both a member of a Station Hunting group and a Call Coverage sender will first hunt for an idle station to service the call. If none is available, the call will be sent to coverage.

Call Pickup: Call Pickup is independent of call coverage. When a call is answered

via Call Pickup, all Cover buttons associated with the called party go idle.

Direct Group Calling (DGC): A call to a DGC group member will receive coverage if the member is also a Call Coverage sender. Calls to a busy DGC group do not receive call coverage. Instead, after a predefined number of rings, the call will be transferred to delay announcement (if provided), or ringing will be transferred to all button appearances of the line.

Exclusion: If a call coverage receiver invokes Exclusion after answering a coverage call, all other terminals (including the attendant and the covered station) are

excluded from the call. The covered user cannot enter the call until EXCLUSION is pressed a second time by the covering user.

Hands-Free-Answer On Intercom: An incoming (inside) call will not receive call

coverage if auto-answer is activated, since the set will answer the call (whether the user is present or not.).

Night Service: Directed Night Service calls do not receive call coverage.

Personal Dial Codes: Calls directed to a station because another non-floatingP D C

is logged in there do not receive the coverage treatment of the logged-in station. S u c h c a l l s r e t u r n t o t h e i r h o m e s t a t i o n a n d r e c e i v e t h a t s t a t i o n ’ s c o v e r a g e (immediately upon return). Calls to logged-in floating PDCs, on the other hand, receive the same coverage treatment as any other calls to the logged-into station. They, of course, have no home station to return to.

Personal Lines: Personal line calls receive the coverage of the principal (owner) station for that line. Other line appearances (even if administered to ring) will not receive coverage.

Tie Trunks: Tie Trunk calls directed at a user with call coverage receive normal call coverage treatment.


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AT&T AT&T manual