● Transfer: For | V2 systems only: internal | stations | can transfer outside | (trunk) calls |
to a busy DGC | group. The transferred call | will be | treated as any other | trunk call to |
a busy DGC group. |
Administration Requirements
●Trunks - Assign trunks to DGC Group
● Trunks (V2) - Assign trunks to ring in SLAC queue
●System: Number of rings before DGC calls are transferred to announcement or begin ringing at button appearances or SLAC queue (V2)
●D i r e c t G r o u p C a l l i n g : A s s i g n D G C a c c e s s c o d e , A d d / d e l e t e D G C m e m b e r s , Enable/disable queuing for data DGC groups (V2).