See Attendant Console.
Coverage Call
A call that is redirected from the called party’s personal dial code to an alternate answering position when certain criteria are met.
Coverage Path
The order in which calls are redirected to alternate answering positions.
Coverage Point
The attendant positions (as a group), Direct Group Call (DGC) group, Coverage Answer Group, or a voice terminal extension designated as an alternate answering position in a coverage path.
Covering User
The person at an alternate answering position who answers a redirected call.
DCE: (Data Communications Equipment)
DDC: (Data Dial Code)
DDD:(Direct Distance Dialing)
DID: (Direct Inward Dialing)
DGC: (Direct Group Call)
DTE: (Data Terminal Equipment)
DTU: (Digital Tape Unit)
DTMF: (Dual Tone Multifrequency)
DXS: (Direct Extension Selector)
Data Channel
A communication path between two points used to transmit digital signals.
Data Communications Equipment (DCE)
Refers to a specific
Data End Point |
Two general groups; | those having a DTE type | interface, which encompasses almost | ||
all of the data terminal devices, and the group of DCE interface devices which are | ||||
primarily | modems. | However, it must be noted | that | within each category, control |
interfaces | may also | vary. R e f e r t o A n a l o g | D a t a | E n d p o i n t a n d D i g i t a l D a t a |
Endpoints | for additional information. |
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