This section describes the System Features,
Features, and Attendant Features of AT&T System 25. It also covers certain services that
support and | implement the features; included in this | category are the | digital | tape | unit, the | ||
dial plan, system administration, and system maintenance. | A general discussion | of | data | ||||
topics is also | provided. |
The feature | descriptions are arranged in alphabetical | order, | regardless | of the | feature | group |
to which they belong. Information for each feature is presented under five headings: Description, Considerations, Interactions, Administration, and Hardware Requirements.
Defines the feature, describes what it does for the user, and how it is used.
Discusses the applications a n d b e n e f i t s o f t h e f e a t u r e , f o l l o w e d b y f e a t u r e parameters and factors to be considered when the feature is used.
Lists and briefly describes other features that can affect the feature being described. Interacting features are those that:
—Depend on each
— Affect each
— Enhance each
●Administration Requirements
States whether or not administration is required and lists items requiring administration.
●Hardware Requirements
List any additional hardware needed to use the feature.
Tabular listings of features by group (System, Network, Data, Station, or Attendant) immediately follow this introduction. Each type, standard, or optional of the feature, is also noted on these lists:
●S t a n d a r d f e a t u r e s — B u i l t i n t o e a c h s y s t e m ( a l w a y s p r o v i d e d b u t c a n r e q u i r e administration to make them operational)
● O p t i o n a l | f e a t u r e s – S u c h as Music - On - Hold, require both administration and |
additional | hardware. |
Features restricted to