
The software that controls System 25 operation consists of tables located in system memory. These tables contain data associated with:

Trunk, Station, and Auxiliary Equipment Ports

System Parameters

Direct Group Calling Groups

Toll Calls Allowed Lists

Peripheral Equipment Data Communications Parameters

Automatic Route






Collectively, these software tables

are referred

to as translations.

The system


e q u i p p e d w i t h d e f a u l t

t r a n s l a t i o n s

d a t a ; when

full-default cold

started, the


translations are copied into translation memory.

System Administration is the process of managing the translations by making changes to modify system operation to meet customer requirements.

The System 25 Implementation Manual describes how a system can be configured to meet specific customer needs. Information about a desired configuration is recorded on a set of forms that are used when entering the initial system translations (i.e., initializing the system). These forms are filed in the Administration Records Binder and provide the basis for on-going record keeping.

Modification of initial assignments can be made to meet changing customer needs.

The system provides

an EIA RS-232 interface

to a System

Administration Terminal (SAT),

the primary means of entering and modifying translations.




System 25 administration consists of:











system and assignment of

feature-related parameters, i n c l u d i n g

a s s i g n m e n t

o f f e a t u r e b u t t o n s o n v o i c e

terminals. Centralized Administration



via the


Advanced Administration: T h e A d v a n c e d A d m i n i s t r a t i o n S o f t w a r e ( A A S ) package is a major improvement in system management. It provides the System Administrator a user-friendly, powerful tool for accurately and quickly making changes in voice/data terminal assignments, call coverage, access codes, and other system functions such as ARS.

The software operates on a PC6300 (with 512K ram) and provides an alternative to use of the SAT input terminal.

A main menu gives the user ready access for these tasks:

Adding/changing/removing voice station assignments

Adding/removing users to and from coverage groups

Saving translations.


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AT&T AT&T manual Centralized Administration, 225