Field Name Defi nition
NotificationAlarm for Data Buffer ing Enable by placinga checkmark in thisfield
[unlabeledview table] List of alarm types and triggers
[unlabeleddropdow n list] Email, pager or SNMP no tificationmethods
Table 10.2: No tificatio ns Form Fie lds
Clicking th e Add button or selecting a previously spe cified event, then clicking the Edit b utton
displays the N otifications Entry dial og box.
The form allows you to define alarm trigger actions and specify ho w to handle them. Different
fields appear on the dialog b oxes depending on whether Emai l,Pager or SNMP Trap
notification have been selected from th e Notifications form.
To choosea method for sending notificationsfor serial port databufferingevents:
1. Go to Administrat ion - Notifica tions in Expert mod e. The Notification s formdi splays.
2. Enable Notific ation Alarm for Da ta Buffering by cl icking the checkbox .
3. Select Email,Pager or SN MP Trap fromth e pull-down menu.
4. To create a new entry for an event to trigger an alarm or notification, click t he Add button.
5. To edit a previ ously-configured trigger, cli ck the Edit button.
Email Notifications Entry
When you select Emai l fromthe pu ll-down menu and click ei ther the Add or Edit button, t he
Email Notificatio n dialog box is displa yed. The following table d escribes the available fields in
the email notificati on entry dialog box.
Field Name Definiti on
AlarmTr igger Thetrigger expr essionused to generate a n alarm.
[untitleddropdow n field] The first time you specifyan alarm tr igger the pull-down menu is empty. A new
trigger gets listedin the menu after it is created.
To/From/Subject/Body Theemail for the designated recipient of the alarm notification.
SMTPSer ver IP The IP address of the SMTP server .
SMTPPor t The po rt used by the SMTP server.
Table 10.3: Email Notif ications Dialog Box Fields
Chapter 10: Administration Menu an d Forms 131