62Cyclades® ACS 5000 Installation/Administration/User Guide
software is available and for information on how to upgrade the device.
To upgrade software on a Avocent PM PDU:
1.Download the new firmware in /tmp directory.
2.Use the pmfwupgrade command to perform the upgrade. See the ACS 5000 Command Reference Guide for more detailed instructions.
Expert - Applications - PMD Configuration
When an administrator selects Expert - Applications - PMD Configuration, the following three tabs appear:
•Outlet Groups
•Users Management
An administrator can use these tabs to configure the username and password for IPDUs, create groups and authorize users and groups to access specific outlets.
To find the IPDU ID [Expert]:
1.Select Expert - Access - IPDU Power Management - View IPDUs Info.
2.Note the string in the ID field.
Applications - PMD Configuration- General
An administrator can select Expert - Applications - PMD Configuration - General to configure a username and password for each supported IPDU type. The fields are labeled: Cyclades (for Avocent PM PDUs and Cyclades PM IPDUs), SPC (for Avocent SPC power devices) and Server Tech (for supported Server Technology IPDUs). The username and password are used to authenticate communication between the console server and the IPDU. If the IPDU username and password are changed in the IPDU firmware, the username and password must be changed in this screen so the console server can use the correct username and password to communicate with the IPDU.
Applications - PMD Configuration- Outlet Groups
An administrator can select Expert - Applications - PMD Configuration - Outlet Groups to configure outlet groups.
Any configured outlet groups are listed in the Group column, followed by the string used to identify the group during configuration (in the form IPDU_ID[outlets] as shown). The Add, Edit and Delete buttons are used to configure the outlet groups.