86Cyclades® ACS 5000 Installation/Administration/User Guide
Host Table
The Host Table form enables you to keep a table of hostnames and IP addresses that compose your local network and provides information on your environment.
To define the console server’s IP address and hostname
1.Go to Network - Host Tables. The Host Tables form appears.
2.To edit a host, select the host IP address from the list and click the Edit button.
3.To add a host, click the Add button. The host table dialog box appears.
4.Enter the new or modified host address in the IP Address field and the hostname in the Name field.
NOTE: IPv6 must be enabled under Host Settings to add or edit IPv6 host addresses.
5.Click OK.
6.To delete a host, select the host you wish to delete and click Delete.
7.Click apply changes.
Static Routes
The Static Routes form allows you to add routes manually. The Routing Table defines which interface should transmit an IP packet based on destination IP information. Static routes are a quick and effective way to route data from one subnet to another.
NOTE: IPv6 must be enabled under Host Settings for adding or editing IPv6 addressing.
The following table describes the fields that appear when you select a routing type from the New/Modify Route dialog boxes.
Table 7.12: Routing Type Fields in the New/Modify Route Dialog Box
Field or Menu Name
Network IP
Choices are Default, Network or Host.
Appears only when Network route is selected. Type the IP address of the destination network.
NOTE: IPv6 must be enabled before IPv6 addresses are allowed.
Network mask
Appears only when Network route is selected. Type the netmask of the destination network.