Chapter 5: Configuring the Console Server in Wizard Mode 47

The following table provides description for each field whether local or remote destination is selected.

Table 5.6: Wizard - Data Buffering Field Names and Definitions

Field name



File Size (Bytes)

Record the timestamp

NFS File Path


Where the buffer files should be stored. Local, for example, Flash or Remote on a server.

For Local Destination - Select Linear for serial driver buffering or Circular for non-

sequential format.

Local data buffering stores data in circular or linear mode. In circular mode, data is

written into the specified local data file until the upper limit on the file size is reached;

then the data is overwritten starting from the top of the file as additional data comes

in. Circular buffering requires the administrator to set up processes to examine the

data during the timeframe before the data is overwritten by new data. In linear mode,

the serial driver buffering is used. Once the 4Kb of Rx buffer is reached, a flow control

stop (depends on configured flow control for the serial port) is issued to prevent the

serial port from receiving further data from the remote peer.

For Local Destination Circular Mode - Sets the value for this field to be greater than zero.

If enabled, the system inserts a timestamp in the buffer.

For Remote Destination - Includes the path where the data buffer file should be stored.

Show Menu

Defines the options you wish to show in the menu of the buffer file.

The following table shows the differences between remote and local data buffering.

Table 5.7: Differences Beween Remote and Local Data Buffering


Remote server

Data is stored in files sequentially. The NFS server must be configured with the mount point shared (exported). The administrator needs to allow enough space for the expected amount of data and take measures such as moving unneeded data files off line, to ensure data does not outgrow the available space.

Local files

Set a file size greater than zero. For circular mode, make sure the file size does not exceed the space available on the console server’s RAM disk.

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Image 55
Avocent ACS 5000 manual Wizard Data Buffering Field Names and Definitions Field name