Configure system settings.
Syntax setenv [gatewayip address | primary_image f10boot location |
secondary_image f10boot location | default_image f10boot
location | ipaddre address | ethaddr address | enablepwdignore
| stconfigignore]
Parameters gatewayip
Enter the IP address for the default gateway.
primary_image Enter the keywords primary_image to configure the boot
parameters used in the first attempt to boot Dell Networking
Enter the keywords secondary_image to configure boot
parameters used if the primary operating system boot
selection is not available.
default_image Enter the keywords default_image to configure boot
parameters used if the secondary operating system boot
parameter selection is not available.
NOTE: The default location should always be the internal
flash device (flash:), and a verified image should be
stored there.
location Enter the location of the image file to be loaded. When using
this command, the keyword f10boot must precede the
location. For example, primary_image f10boot tftp://
ipaddr Enter the keyword ippaddr to configure the system
management IP address.
ethaddr Enter the keyword ethaddr to configure system
management MAC address.
address Enter the IP address in standard IPv4 format and the MAC
address in standard MAC format.
Enter the keywords enableprdignore true to reload the
system software without the enable password configured.
stconfigignore Enter the keywords stconfigignore true to ignore the
startup configuration file when reloading the system.
History This guide is platform-specific. For command information about other platforms,
refer to the relevant Dell Networking OS Command Line Reference Guide.
1806 u-Boot