Syslog Server IP address
Syslog Maximum Messages
Syslog Priority
Syslog Facility
IP address of a syslog server to send syslog messages to. If zero ( or not specified, syslog messages are disabled.
The number of syslog messages that can be sent by the HP Jetdirect print server on a
A method for filtering syslog messages that are sent to the syslog server. The range is 0 through 8, with 0 the most specific and 8 the most general. Only messages that are lower than the specified filter level (or higher in priority) are reported. The default is 8, messages of all priorities are sent. If 0, all syslog messages are disabled.
A code used to identify the source facility of a message (for example, to identify the source of selected messages during troubleshooting). By default, the HP Jetdirect print server uses LPR as the source facility code, but local user values of local0 through local7 can be used to isolate individual or groups of print servers.
Typical logfile entries of syslog messages:
Oct 22 08:10:33 jd08 printer: error cleared
Oct 22 15:06:07 jd04 printer: powered up
Oct 22 15:07:56 jd04 printer: offline or intervention needed
Oct 22 15:08:58 jd04 printer: error cleared
Oct 24 17:52:27 jd37 printer: powered up
Oct 24 18:28:13 jd37 printer: printer is disconnected
Oct 24 18:37:46 jd07 printer: error cleared
Oct 24 18:38:42 jd37 printer: powered up
Oct 25 07:50:16 jd04 printer: toner/ink low