usb-statpg-langSpecifies the printer job language (PJL) used by the print server to send the Jetdirect configuration page to the printer:
Auto (default) The language is auto-detected when the print server is powered on or after a cold reset to factory defaults.
PCL Hewlett-Packard Printer Control Language
ASCII Standard ASCII characters
HPGL2 Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language (v2)
PS Adobe PostScript language
Support parameters for Telnet
Telnet Parameter | | Description and Values |
| | |
Web Jetadmin URL
Web Jetadmin
support-name support-number support-url tech-support-url
(read-only parameter) If HP Web Jetadmin discovers this device, the URL to access HP Web Jetadmin will be specified.
(read-only parameter) If HP Web Jetadmin discovers this device, the name of the HP Web Jetadmin host will be specified if known.
Typically used to identify the name of a person to contact for support of this device.
Typically used to specify a phone or extension number to call for support of this device.
A web URL address for product information on this device over the Internet or an intranet.
A web URL address for technical support over the Internet or an intranet.
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