Configuration page prints?
for HP Jetdirect 175x external print server/Internet connector for USB and HP Jetdirect 310x external print server/Internet connector for
The Jetdirect configuration page is a page that the print server sends to the attached printer, both as a test of the connection between the print server and the printer, and as an display of the status of the print server’s functions.
If you are able to print a Jetdirect configuration page on your printer, click on the Yes button below to continue with the troubleshooting procedure. This takes you to information about interpreting the results contained on the configuration page.
If you are not able to print a Jetdirect configuration page on your printer, or if you don't know how to print one, click on the No button below to start evaluating the print server's ability to print a configuration page. Clicking on the No button will also give you information on how to print a test page.