Power-on defects

Table 16. Power malfunctions







ADF unit or scan unit does not function.

Print a print-engine test (see the HP LaserJet 4100




series printer service manual for more information).




This helps to isolate the power malfunction to the print




unit or the scan unit.




Verify that the power connector from the print unit to




the scan unit is correctly plugged in at both ends. See




“Back view” on page 21.




Verify that the flatbed intake fan is functioning (the unit




is receiving power). If the fan is not functioning, verify




that the connectors at J1203 (scanner controller PCB)




and J1201 (power supply) are correctly connected




and fully seated.





Check for frayed, pinched, or damaged wires.




Verify that the flatbed power supply is functioning.



Printer is functioning (power on, fans running,

Verify that the control-panel cable connector location

and so forth) but the control-panel display is

J1210 on the scanner controller PCB is correctly

blank or displays garbled text.

connected and fully seated.




Verify that the control-panel wire harness is correctly




connected to the control-panel door (located behind




the control-panel grounding strip). See “Control-panel




door” on page 79.





Verify that the power supply in the flatbed unit is









Check for frayed, pinched, or damaged wires.




Replace the control panel.










The control panel gets its power from the power supply in the scan unit, not



the power supply in the print unit.











No ac power.






Defective power-supply unit.

Verify that the power-supply fuse is not blown (power-




supply PCB location F101).




Verify that all power-supply connectors are fully









Replace the power supply. See “Scan-unit power




supply” on page 101.





No dc power.






No ac power is supplied.

Check for ac power.



The overcurrent/overvoltage detection circuit is

Turn off the MFP and then turn it back on. If the



problem persists, find the cause of the overcurrent/




overvoltage on the load side of the power-supply




circuits. See “Power supply” on page 63.










Leave the MFP off for two minutes.






Defective wiring, dc loads, or scanner

Turn off the power switch. Check the wiring ahead of

controller PCB.


the scanner controller PCB and check the dc loads. If




you discover the problem, replace the wiring and dc




loads. If no problem exists on the wiring or dc loads,




replace the scanner controller PCB. See “Power




supply” on page 63.






116 Troubleshooting


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HP 4101mfp manual Power-on defects, Power malfunctions Solution