14 - 15
(2) Writing the processed data
When the data to be written is handled as d ecimal, the decimal point posi tion must be specified. If it is
not specified, the data cannot be wr it ten. Whe n th e d ata is h and led as he xad eci mal , spec ify " 0" as th e
decimal point position.
The data to be sent is the following value.
Data is transferred in hexadecimal.
Decimal point position
0: No decimal point
1: First least significant digit
2: Second least significant digit
3: Third least significant digit
4: Forth least significant digit
5: Fifth least significant digit
By way of example, here is described how to process the set data when a value of "15.5" is sent.
Since the decimal point position is the second digit, the decimal point position data is "2".
As the data to be sent is hexadecim al, the decimal data is converted into hexadecimal.
155 9B
Hence, "0200009B" is transmitted.