AC75 AT Command Set
9.14 AT+CUSD s
AC75_ATC_V01.002 Page 252 of 569 10/30/06
Confidential / Released
String type USSD-string .
If <dcs> indicates that GSM 03.38 default alphabet is used TA converts GSM alphabet into current TE character
set according to rules of GSM 07.05 Annex A. Otherwise in case of invalid or omitted <dcs> conversion of
<str_urc> is not possible.
GSM 03.38 Cell Broadcast Data Coding Scheme in integer format (default 15). In case of an invalid or omitted
<dcs> from the network side (MT) <dcs> will not be given out.
0 No further user action required (network initiated USSD-Notify, or no further
information needed after mobile initiated operation)
1 Further user action required (network initiated USSD-Request, or further infor-
mation needed after mobile initiated operation).
If <m>=1, then the URC ends with ">" to prompt the user for input. The user
action is finished with <CTRL-Z> or aborted with <ESC>.
2 USSD terminated by network.
4 operation not supported
5 network time out
When a USSD string is sent via ATD, a "AT+CUSD=1" is executed implicitly.
It is recommended to finalize or escape a pending USSD user interaction before further actions are done to
prevent blocking situations.