AC75 AT Command Set
13.11 AT+CNMI s
AC75_ATC_V01.002 Page 379 of 569 10/30/06
Confidential / Released
<bm>=2 (PDU mode enabled):
+CBM: <length><CR><LF><pdu>
Indicates that new cell broadcast message has been received
<bm>=2 (text mode enabled):
+CBM: <sn>, <mid>, <dcs>, <page>, <pages><CR><LF><data>
Indicates that new cell broadcast message has been received
<ds>=1 (PDU mode enabled):
+CDS: <length><CR><LF><pdu>
Indicates that new SMS status report has been received
<ds>=1 (text mode enabled):
+CDS: <fo>, <mr>[, <ra>][, <tora>], <scts>, <dt>, <st>
Indicates that new SMS status report has been received
+CDSI: <mem3>, <index>
Indicates that new SMS status report has been received
Parameter Description
[0](&F) Buffer unsolicited result codes in the TA. If TA result code buffer is full, indica-
tions can be buffered in some other place or the oldest indications may be dis-
carded and replaced with the new received indications.
1 Discard indication and reject new received message unsolicited result codes
when TA-TE link is reserved (e.g. in on-line data mode). Otherwise forward
them directly to the TE.
2 Buffer unsolicited result codes in the TA when TA-TE link is reserved (e.g. in
online data mode) and flush them to the TE after reservation. Otherwise for-
ward them directly to the TE.
3 Forward unsolicited result codes directly to the TE. When TA-TE link is
reserved (e.g. in online data mode) the URCs are signaled according to the
AT^SCFG parameters <uri>, <udri> and <urat>
Rules for storing received short messages depend on the relevant data coding method (refer to GSM03.38),
preferred memory storage (AT+CPMS) setting and this value.
Note: If AT command interface is acting as the only display device, the ME must support storage of class 0 mes-
sages and messages in the message waiting indication group (discard message)
[0](&F) No SMS-DELIVER indications are routed to the TE.
1 If SMS-DELIVER is stored in ME/TA, indication of the memory location is
routed to the TE using unsolicited result code: