AC75 AT Command Set

10.5 AT^SISO


10.5AT^SISO Internet Service Open

The AT^SISO write command starts the Internet session configured by the service profile. All further steps needed to control the session depend on whether you are using URC mode or polling mode. The AT^SISO read command returns the current status of all services.

URC mode:

If the service opens successfully, the URCs "^SISW" and "^SISR" will trigger the action to follow, either writing data with AT^SISW or reading data with AT^SISR. To terminate an upload data stream set the <eodFlag> within the last AT^SISW command. If the URCs notify that a data transfer has been successful ("^SISR: x, 2" or "^SISW: x, 2"), the service can be closed with AT^SISC. If a special event occurs, e.g. an error or a warning, after opening or while using a service then the URC type "^SIS" will be delivered.

Polling mode:

After opening the service, all progress information needed to control the session shall be explicitly requested by the host application. The particular sequence of AT commands varies depending on the service used. The fol- lowing list summarizes, by way of an example, the steps normally involved in managing an upload or download job.

Upload (Socket, FTP, HTTP, SMTP):

-Enter the AT^SISO command, e.g. AT^SISO=9.

-Enter AT^SISW, specify <reqWriteLength>, e.g. AT^SISW=9,20. Check resulting response for <cnf- WriteLength>. Optionally, check error with AT^SISE, e.g. AT^SISE=9. If necessary, repeat the sequence several times.

-Enter last AT^SISW command and enable <eodFlag>, e.g. AT^SISW=9,0,1. If Socket service: Query available data with AT^SISR, e.g. AT^SISR=9,1430.

-Check service state with AT^SISI, e.g. AT^SISI=9, if necessary several times until <srvState>=6 ("Down").

-Check error with AT^SISE, e.g. AT^SISE=9.

-Close service with AT^SISC, e.g. AT^SISC=9.

Download (Socket, FTP, HTTP, POP3):

-Enter the AT^SISO command, e.g. AT^SISO=9.

-Enter AT^SISR, specify <reqReadLength>, e.g. AT^SISR=9,1000. Check resulting response for <cnfReadLength>. If necessary, repeat the sequence several times until <cnfReadLength>= -2 (end of data) or ERROR.

-Check error with AT^SISE, e.g. AT^SISE=9.

-Close service with AT^SISC, e.g. AT^SISC=9.

Socket service (upload and download possible in one session):

-Recommended: Set AT+CMEE=2 to enable extended error text.

-Enter the AT^SISO command, e.g. AT^SISO=9.

-Enter AT^SISR or AT^SISW, specifying <reqReadLength> or <reqWriteLength>, e.g. AT^SISR=9,20 or AT^SISW=9,20. Check resulting response for <cnfReadLength> or <cnfWrite- Length>. If necessary, repeat the sequence several times.

-Check error with AT^SISE, e.g. AT^SISE=9.

-If write action: Enter last AT^SISW command and enable <eodFlag>, e.g. AT^SISW=9,0,1.

If Socket service: Query available data with AT^SISR, e.g. AT^SISR=9,1430.

-Close service with AT^SISC, e.g. AT^SISC=9.


Test Command





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