
Viewing Separate Tables – You can quickly display the configuration for channels, filters and buffers using the

tabbed window shown below. The information provided is described in the following tables.

Accept Event Status Controls the flow of events.
Ready – A single event will be generated, after which the status will be set by the RMON probe
to “Fired.” While in the Fired state, no events will be generated until the status is reset to Ready
or Always Ready.
Always Ready – Disables flow control and allows events to generated at will. Using this setting
runs the risk of generating a high volume of traffic and affecting network performance
Description A comment provided by the user describing this channel.
Buffer Configures the buffer used to store packets matched for this control entry.
Index A number that identifies this buffer in the buffer table.
Full Action Contro ls the action of the buffer when it reaches full status.
Lock – The buffer will be locked as soon as it fills.
Wrap – Old data will be overwritten when the buffer fills.
Capture Slice Size The maximum number of bytes for each packet that will be saved in this captu re buffer. Values
include 100, 200, 500, 1000 bytes and Maximum. If set to Maximum, the capture buffer will
save as many bytes as possible.
Download Slice Size The maximum number of bytes for each packet that will be returned to the management station
in a single retrieve operation. Values include 100, 200 and 500 bytes
Buffer Size Requested The number of bytes requested for this capture buffer. Values include 10000, 20000, 50000,
100000, 200000, 500000 bytes and Maximum. If set to Maximum, the capture buffer will save
as many bytes as possible.
Buffer Size Granted The number of bytes granted for this capture buffer.

Table 9-20 Channel and Buffer Add/Edit Dialog Box

Field Description