The error messages related to the overall EliteView platform are described in this appendix. Error messages relating to specific network devices are listed in the corresponding EliteView manual. The following error messages are sorted by program module. First match the error message’s label with the module name in this appendix, and then look up the error message in alphabetical order.
A device should have three bitmap files in [bitmap] section of NETMGR.INI.
Cause: The number of bitmap files for a device is incorrect.
Action: Check the [bitmap] section of NETMGR.INI.
A submap should have two bitmap files in [bitmap] section of NETMGR.INI.
Cause: The number of bitmap files for a submap is incorrect.
Action: Draw two bitmap files for a submap object.
Bitmaps for a device should have the same size.
Cause: Some bitmap files for a device are not the same size.
Action: Redraw the bitmap and make its size equal to other bitmaps.
Cannot find toolbar bitmap.
Cause:Toolbar bitmap does not exist.
Action: Draw a new bitmap for the missing item.
Cannot load xxx file.
Cause: Cannot load xxx file as background bitmap.
Action: Choose another bitmap file.
Cannot move a submap to its child.
Cause: An attempt was made to move a submap to its child map.
Action: This operation not permitted.