Invalid start time.
Cause: The specified time is incorrect.
Action: The format for time is (MMDDYYHHMM) where MM is month, DD is day, YY is year, HH is hour, and MM is minute.
Invalid stop time.
Cause: The specified time is incorrect.
Action: The format for time is (MMDDYYHHMM) where MM is month, DD is day, YY is year, HH is hour, and MM is minute.
LOG database is corrupt.
Cause: The database file is corrupt.
Action: Recreate the database file.
The following are error messages that may be generated by any module.
Invalid number.
Cause: Invalid number for polling interval, timeout or retry.
Action: Enter a valid number.
Invalid target address.
Cause: You input an invalid target address.
Action: Enter a correct target address.
Number out of range. (1 <= N <= 1000)
Cause: The number is out of range for “retry.”
Action: Enter a valid number.
Number out of range. (1 <= N <= 86400)
Cause: The number out of range for “polling interval” or “timeout.”
Action: Enter a valid number.