Elements of Threshold Formulas
Table 7-3 Elements of Threshold Formulas
Parameter | Example | Description |
Variable | R | Actual value of the data |
| H | Data rate per hour |
| M | Data rate per minute |
| S | Data rate per second |
Relation | > | Greater than |
| < | Less than |
| >= | Greater than or equal to |
| <= | Less than or equal to |
| == | Equal |
| != | Not equal |
Value | 256 | Positive number (4 byte unsigned integer) |
| 20040529 | Date format (YYYYMMDD) for 29 May 2004 |
| 135501 | Time format (HHMMSS) for 1:55:01pm |
Logical_Operator | AND | Both statements must be true |
| OR | Either statement may be true |
Example: Threshold Formulas
Some possible threshold formulas include:
•R > 1000
•(M > 5) OR (H > 500)
•(S > 100) AND (R < 10000)
In the last formula, an event is triggered if (the data is changing at the rate greater than 100 per second) or (the value is less than 10,000).
A formula follows this basic syntax:
(Variable Relation Value) Logical_Operator (Variable Relation Value)