Cause: In an MIB file, an import node is composed by
Action: If you continue to process this MIB file without importing the correct one, errors may occur. You should import the correct MIB list in the import list first.
Index “%s” is not defined in the database or MIB file.
Cause: The MIB Compiler cannot find the referenced index node in the database.
Action: You should check if the index is defined in other MIBs. If yes, add the MIB in the import list. Otherwise, you should define the index node first.
Cannot find any traps for the MIB module.
Cause: No traps in the MIB database.
Action: None.
Cannot find next node.
Cause: The next MIB variable cannot be found.
Action: None.
Cannot find the node’s parent.
Cause: The MIB variable has no parent.
Action: None.
Cannot find the specific node.
Cause:The MIB variable cannot be found in the MIB database.
Action: Load new MIBs into the MIB database.
Cannot find the specific trap.
Cause: Trap not found.
Action: Load new MIBs into the MIB database.
Cannot locate previous position.
Cause: (Internal error.) The MIB database is inconsistent.
Action: Please contact SMC Technical Support for help.