EliteView Modules
EliteView includes support for many SMC products, including the EZ Stack, TigerStack, and TigerSwitch, series. This section briefly describes the basic support modules included in EliteView. The modules for specific SMC products are described in the
Alive Test
This module tests the connection to any network node with ICMP messages. It sends an echo request to the specified network node and gathers replies to determine device existence, round trip delay time, and the ratio of successfully returned packets.
Backup is a tool that used to backup the latest version of the configuration file on a network device. It replaces the conventional way used to backup files by setting SNMP commands. Backup can load devices from a Map file (Created by EliteView) or an exported file (*.dbf), discover and collect lots of networking devices located in different places. Users can use simply Drag and Drop operations to
configure backup information. After clicking the Backup or Start Schedule speed button (or using the Utilities menu) the program will automatically process these devices in turn.
This module is used for downloading operating code files into switches located on the local network or on remote networks. Use the Broadcast and Search features to find devices on the network. These devices can then be added to the Backup List and have their configuration file backed up. Use the Backup feature to backup the configuration files for network devices. Create a backup schedule using
the Start Schedule and Stop Schedule features.
BOOTP Server
The BOOTP Server maintains a database of network addresses and a list of corresponding boot files. BOOTP protocol runs on the UDP/IP stack. It is used by network devices to find out their own IP address and device initialization file(s) to download.
Device Manager
Each of these modules supports advanced management functions for the corresponding device.