Policy Report
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The Policy Report provides statistical information on any policy violation messages detected by any of the five filters: General Content Filter, Advanced Content Filter, Message Attachment Filter, Content Guardian and Dictionary Threshold Filter. RiskFilter automatically lists the top 10 policy violations and the number of corresponding messages stopped by these filters.
There are two ways in which you can query these messages:
•Query these messages to find out when one of these filters was triggered. Details could include the current date, or alternatively, a certain period of time for the selected year, month and date.
•Browse and query the corresponding policy logs with keywords.
Figure 4 - 5 Displaying statistical results in Policy Report
Note: The statistical results of
•Browse Policy Logs – View and download the log records of messages that trigger any of the above types of filter. You can query the Date, Time etc. to retrieve records of policy violation messages.
•View report – First, specify criteria for a report by selecting items from the
•Today’s Report – Shows you all messages since 12.00am this morning.
SurfControl RiskFilter - | Administrator’s Guide 111 |