User Management
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5Click Add. The item will be added to the list on the right. If you want to delete a domain or
6Click Submit to put the new settings into effect or Reset if you want to cancel the modifications made to the current settings.
There are two ways in which authentication is used:
•For authenticating PEM users - Give users password protected access to the appliance, in order to manage their PEM account. This will not give them access to the RiskFilter Administrator.
•For authenticating remote users - Authenticate users who send mail from the protected domain, from an IP address not listed in the Relay Control screen. These could include, for example,
Authenticating PEM users
RiskFilter will authenticate users’ accounts and passwords via user directories, before they log on to the PEM login page to check spam messages. Authentication is carried out in the User
Figure 2 - 33 The User E-mail Account Authentication screen with existing accounts
RiskFilter enables end users to use a whitelist and a blacklist in order to manage their isolated spam messages.
Note: For more information on using PEM (originally called End User Spam Management), see Personal
To set up user authentication:
1Select User Management > User Authentication from the System Settings tab.
2Click Add.
3Enter a name for the account into the Description field. This is limited to 64 characters.
4Choose the domain that this user belongs to from the Domain list box.
5Click Add>>. This will add it to the list pane on the right. To remove a domain, select it and click <<Remove.
SurfControl RiskFilter - | Administrator’s Guide 53 |