Deferred Messages
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Deferred Messages is used to store all messages for later delivery, for example in the event of an
Figure 4 - 20 Querying Deferred Messages
To query Deferred Messages:
1Select Deferred Messages from the Reports and Logs tab.
2Select the domain you want to query from the Domain
3Select the query date from the Messages for
•The Start Date of the report.
•The End Date of the report.
•Click View Messages.
4You will see all deferred messages that match the query criteria and their status in a new window. In this window you can:
•Refresh the current page display by clicking Check New Messages.
•Search with keywords such as Recipient, Sender in the Deferred message queue.
•Jump to a new page by specifying a page then clicking Go.
•Specify how many messages you want to be viewed on each page at a time.
Figure 4 - 21 Deferred Messages screen
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