To save an input channel configuration, right click in the Channel screen (anywhere above the channel routing matrix). From the shortcut menu that appears, select Export Object as shown below.
NOTE: You can apply the channel configurations for the current channel to all channels of the same type by selecting the Apply to all option. Use this option with caution because there is no way to undo the changes.
Enter an appropriate Label (name) in the entry field of Export Object dialog as shown below.
Click Export to save the configuration to the database, or Cancel to return to the Channel screen.
Console saves the object to the database and displays it in the Object Tree as shown below.
Optimizing Input Gain Structure
Optimizing gain structure for input channels maximizes the
For more information, refer to the Table of Contents for these related topics:
•Channel Tab Overview
•AGC/ALC (Automatic Gain Control/Automatic Level Control)
•Mic Gating
•Gating Tab
•Matrix Tab
•Drag & Drop Configuration
•Database Tab
•Mic Input Settings
•Output Settings