File Menu: Site Options
The File menu site options allow you to Create a New Site, open a saved site with Open Site, or close the current site with Close Site.
File Menu: Save Options
The File menu save options allow you to Save and Save As a site file.
File Menu: Print
Print allows you to create, view, print, and save Site and Unit configuration reports.
File Menu: Recent File List
The File menu recent file list displays the last four Site Files opened.
File Menu: Exit
The File menu Exit option closes Console. (To close the current Site without exiting Console, use the Close Site option.)
If you are Connected to a Site, a Confirm dialog appears when you select Exit as shown below.
Press Yes to confirm the exit or No to return to Console. Clicking Yes brings up another Confirm dialog as shown below.
Click Yes to save changes to the Site File, No to exit Console without saving changes, or Cancel to abort the exit and return to Console.
For additional information, refer to the Table of Contents for these related topics:
•Site File Overview
•Print Reports
•Create a New Site
•Connect To A Site
•Unit Properties