Executing User-De￿ned Functions

After storing a user-de￿ned function in internal memory with the FUNCDEF or ACTDEF command, execute the function from a computer or with the front-panel controls. To recall a function from external memory to internal memory, use the LOAD or RCLD command.

If you want your downloadable program to automatically appear in the 4USER5 menu, the name of the main FUNCDEF must end in a single underscore character.


The NexecuteNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNDLPNNNNNNNNN softkey allows you to select and start a FUNCDEF. However, use caution

because the function lists all FUNCDEFseven those that are subroutines and do not run properly as stand-alone programs. To prevent a FUNCDEF from being listed by NNexecuteNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNDLPNNNNNNNNN, end the

FUNCDEF's name with two underscore characters.

To assign a function to the USER menu

￿End the name of the main FUNCDEF with a single underscore character.
