Language Reference
Example Use markers to nd the two highest signal levels displayed.
40 | OUTPUT 723;"SNGLS;" | Activate |
50 | OUTPUT 723;"STARTWL 600NM;STOPWL 850NM;" | Set measurement range . |
60 | OUTPUT 723;"TS;" | Sweep trace A. |
70 | OUTPUT 723;"MKPK HI;" | Place marker on highest sig- |
| nal peak. |
80 | OUTPUT 723;"MKD;" | Activate the delta marker mode . |
| Since no value was specied |
| with MKD , it places the delta |
| marker at the position of the |
| rst marker . The delta marker |
| is now active and under your |
| control. |
90 | OUTPUT 723;"MKPK NH;" | Move the delta marker to the |
| next highest signal level. |
Description MKD positions a second marker on a trace relative to the position of the active marker, called the reference marker. Once positioned, the new marker
becomes the active marker and is called a delta marker. The delta marker is positioned in terms of wavelength, or time if the analyzer is in zero span mode. Thus, MKD 0 places a delta marker at the same wavelength as on the reference marker. MKD 10xxx places a delta marker at a wavelength 10 xx higher than the reference marker. If no marker is active, MKD places two markers at the center of the active trace. If more than one trace is active, MKD places the marker on trace A, B, or C, in that order; or on the trace specied by the MKTRACE command.
The MKD command also activates the