Language Reference



Store limit lines and user-de￿ned functions, variables, keys, and traces in a






0 { 9999, depending on memory

Description The SAVED command stores all of the following articles in a ￿le if the articles are present in memory. The ￿le type or identi￿er, as shown in the catalog of

internal memory, is shown in parentheses.

￿user-de￿ned variables (VAR)

￿user-de￿ned functions (FUNC or AFUNC)

￿on-end-of-sweep algorithms (ONEOS)

￿user-de￿ned traces (TRACE)

￿currently active menu of 4USER5 keys (not listed in catalog)

￿4USER5 keys ￿le

￿limit lines

SAVED stores ￿les in external memory only, which is speci￿ed by the MSI command. Since internal memory is the storage device when power is applied, the MSI command is needed to select the desired external memory. SAVED speci￿es the number of the ￿le where the article(s) will be stored. The ￿le name is a combination of the ￿le number and the ￿le pre￿x. When SAVED stores ￿les, entries appear in the catalog as \d N", where N is the number of the ￿le, and \d " indicates the ￿le contains a user-de￿ned article, such as a user-de￿ned variable. For example, the entry for SAVED 2 is listed in the catalog as \d 2". Use the PREFX command to change the \d " pre￿x from its default setting to another combination of letters.
