Saving and Recalling Items

You can save the following items in internal memory. The commands for saving are shown in parentheses.

￿User-de￿ned traces (TRDEF, LOAD)

￿User-de￿ned variables (VARDEF, LOAD)

￿User-de￿ned functions (FUNCDEF, LOAD)

￿Active user-de￿ned functions (ACTDEF, LOAD)

￿On-end-of-sweep algorithms (ONEOS, LOAD)

￿Trace-amplitude correction o￿sets (AMPCOR)

￿State register ￿les (instrument settings - STOR, NSTATE, SAVES)

￿Trace ￿les (STOR, SAVET)

￿4USER5 keys ￿les (STOR, SAVEU)

￿Limit-line ￿les (STOR, LIMISAV)

Internal Battery

Internal memory is nonvolatile and is not altered by loss of power. Internal memory remains nonvolatile as long as the 3.6V lithium battery supplies power. The battery should last 8 years at 25￿C, or one year at 55￿C. Refer to the Installation and Veri￿cation Manual for installation instructions.

Unlike internal memory, external memory can only store items that are saved using the SAVE and STOR commands. External memory is nonvolatile and is not altered by loss of power. The following items can be stored in external memory.

￿State register ￿le (Instrument settings - STOR, SAVES)

￿Trace ￿le (STOR, SAVET)

￿4USER5 keys ￿le (STOR, SAVEU )

￿Limit-line ￿le (STOR, LIMISAV )

￿Program ￿le (STOR, SAVED)

Use the mass-storage-interface command, MSI, to select the desired user memory. When power is applied to the analyzer, internal memory is selected
