Language Reference



Save contents of limit-line table in limit-line ￿le for future recall.






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10 OUTPUT 723;"LIMISAV 2;"

The LIMISAV command saves in user memory the contents of the limit-line table only. LIMISAV does not save limit lines that are present in the LIMIT HI or LIMIT LO trace array. (LIMIT HI and LIMIT LO are described under the LIMITEST command.)

LIMISAV speci￿es a register number. For example, LIMISAV 2 stores a limit line in register 2. Execute LIMIRCL 2 to recall the limit line. Files are saved in user memory unless speci￿ed otherwise by the MSI command. When stored in user memory, limit-lines entries appear in the user-memory catalog as \l N", where N is the number of the register and \l" indicates the ￿le contains limit lines. For example, the entry for LIMISAV 2 is listed in the

catalog as \l 2". Press 4State5, NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNrecall , NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNcatalog & MSI to view the catalog

of user memory. Use the PREFX command to change the letters of the \l" pre￿x.
