Controlling Memory

Saving and Recalling Items

To select user memory

￿Send the MSI command.

To catalog memory

￿Send the DSPMODE CAT command to display catalog on OSA. or

￿Send the DSPTEXT command to return the catalog to the computer.

To save a ￿le

￿Use the SAVE and STOR commands when saving to external memory. or

￿Use the ACTDEF , AMPCOR , FUNCDEF , LIMISAV , LOAD, NSTATE , ONEOS, SAVES, SAVET, SAVEU, STOR, TRDEF, and VARDEF commands when saving to internal memory.

To recall a ￿le

￿Use the LIMIRCL , LOAD, RCLD, RCLS, RCLT, and RCLU commands to recall ￿les from memory.
