Using Variables and Traces

This chapter can help you learn to create variables and process both prede￿ned and user-de￿ned trace arrays.

￿Prede￿ned traces, for example trace A, exist permanently in reserved memory.

￿User-de￿ned variables and trace arrays are created by the user, given preset values, and stored in internal memory. User-de￿ned variables and trace arrays remain in internal memory, even when power is turned o￿.

Reserved Words

When creating user-de￿ned variables and traces, do not use the permanently stored OSA reserved words (as listed in Chapter 8, \Tables and Charts") for names. Reserved word usage interrupts the de￿ning process and can disrupt OSA operation.

In addition, any names created with TRDEF, FUNCDEF, ACTDEF or other VARDEF commands become reserved words until they are erased from internal memory.
