Language Reference


Description STOR stores ￿les in the currently selected user memory. Unless speci￿ed otherwise by the MSI command, internal memory is the storage device. The

information stored depends on the argument selected.

S stores the current instrument settings and the contents of the title line. D stores all of the following user-de￿ned articles in external memory only.

￿user-de￿ned variable

￿user-de￿ned function

￿on-end-of-sweep algorithm

￿user-de￿ned trace

￿user-de￿ned keys

￿limit lines

T stores trace A, B, or C, or a user-de￿ned trace. If the item for storage is not speci￿ed, trace A is stored.

U stores the current con￿guration of keys accessed with the 4USER5 key. L stores the current contents of the limit-line table.

When storing a user-de￿ned article, enter its complete name. To verify names, view the catalog of user memory. (Press NStateNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN, NrecallNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN,

NcatalogNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN&NNNNNNNMSINNNNNNNNN to view the catalog.) Recall stored ￿les with the LOAD command. Erase stored ￿les with the PURGE or DISPOSE command. Use the PROTECT command to prevent inadvertent ￿le erasure from internal memory only. (The PROTECT command does not prevent erasure with the PURGE, PERASE, or ERASE command.)
