Remote operation with HP 71450B/1B/2B

This introduction provides you with a quick overview of some basic concepts you will need to successfully program the HP 71450B/1B/2B optical spectrum analyzer (OSA). The OSA o￿ers extensive remote programming capability which includes the following features:

￿Setting measurement ranges

￿Querying values to the computer

￿Creating new functions

￿Creating user-de￿ned variables and trace arrays

￿Processing information with math and move commands

￿Activating new functions with front-panel keys

￿Allowing front-panel control during remote operation

￿Placing graphics and text on the screen

￿Monitoring instrument operation by returning a status byte to the computer

Start here

1. Finish reading this introduction and learn what areas of basic



programming control are covered in this manual.



Read Chapter 1, \Learning the Basics" to connect the computer to the






The OSA module should arrive installed in the display mainframe



as described in the HP 71450B/1B/2B Optical Spectrum Analyzer



Installation and Veri￿cation Manual.



Read the remaining chapters to learn speci￿c details about remote






Chapter 7, \Language Reference" documents each OSA command in



alphabetical order.



Chapter 8, \Tables and Charts" contains additional information related to



programming the OSA. Functional groups of programming commands with



softkey cross-references are also provided.
