Language Reference
External trigger frequency can aect measurement accuracy
For external ADC triggering, connect the signal to the
When using external ADC triggering in
frequency > 1:5 (trace length ) : sweep time
In some cases, a factor as high as 2.0 may be required instead of 1.5. If the ADC trigger rate is too low for the current combination of trace length and sweep time, the warning message 16005 Sweep too fast is displayed. This warning is reported once for every sweep where the external trigger doesn't occur often enough.
Avoid oversweeping the When using external ADC triggering, displayed video bandwidths are
video bandwidth not accurate and care must be taken not to over sweep the actual video bandwidth. Use the following equation to estimate the actual video bandwidth:
video bandw idth (factor) (displayed bw) (external trigger frequency) 27; 000
factor is a function of the external trigger frequency. factor is always less than 1.0 and may be as low as 0.5.
To obtain the proper sweep time, estimate the actual video bandwidth (as described above), and then set the optical spectrum analyzer's bandwidth to that setting. Then, use a computer to query the coupled sweep time. Refer to the ST command in this manual. The value returned to the computer is the proper sweep time setting.
Query Response