Language Reference
TEXT | Write message anywhere on |
130 | CLEAR | 723 | Initialize spectrum analyzer. |
140 | OUTPUT | 723;"IP;" |
150 | OUTPUT | 723;"CLRDSP;" | Clear graphics from memory. |
160 | OUTPUT | 723;"PU;PA 200,800;" | In the up position, move the pen to (200,800). |
170 | OUTPUT | 723;"TEXT$"; | Write text. The \$" is a delimiter which marks |
| the beginning and end of the text. |
180 | OUTPUT 723;"Text can be "; |
| |
190 | OUTPUT 723;"positioned on the | "; | |
200 | OUTPUT | 723;CHR$(10);CHR$(13); | The ASCII codes for carriage return and line feed |
| move the pen to the next available line . |
210OUTPUT 723;"display with the ";
220OUTPUT 723;"PA and PR ";
230OUTPUT 723;CHR$(10);CHR$(13);
240OUTPUT 723;"commands.$;"
250 | OUTPUT 723;"IT | 1;VW OFF;" |
| Address item 1 and blank it. | |
260 | OUTPUT | 723;"TEXT$Text can | be put into items$;" | Assign text to item 1. | |
270 | OUTPUT | 723;"OR | 400,600;VW | ON;" | Position the item at (400,600) and display it. |
Description The TEXT command writes text on the
Text can be positioned two ways. First, PA or PR can position the text. Since TEXT automatically lowers the pen, PD (pen down) is not needed. After TEXT is executed, the pen position remains at the end of the last letter drawn, in the up position. The PA and PR commands should be used to position large paragraphs, such as help screens, that do not require modication at a later time.