Language Reference
Internal Memory Contents
| | | Article | | Storing Command |
User-dened functions | | ACTDEF, FUNCDEF, RCLD, LOAD |
User-dened variables | | VARDEF, RCLD, LOAD |
On-end-of-sweep algorithm | | ONEOS, RCLD , LOAD |
User-dened ke y | | KEYDEF |
User-dened trace arra ys | | TRDEF, | RCLD, LOAD |
Amplitude correction factors | | AMPCOR | |
Limit-line trace arra ys | | LIMILINE, FUNCDEF , RCLD, LOAD |
4 | | | 5 keys les | | STOR, SAVEU |
USER | |
Limit | line les | | STOR, | LIMISAV |
Trace | les | | STOR, | SAVET |
State | register les | | STOR, | SAVES |
Program Files | | SAVED | |
An article can be cleared from internal memory individually by specifying its name, except for user-dened keys which are specied by number. DISPOSE ALL does not clear any articles from reserved memory, such as the predened traces A, B, and C. DISPOSE ALL does not clear items (IT) or graphics windows (DWINDOW). The PROTECT command protects articles in internal memory against erasure with the DISPOSE command. If any articles are protected, DISPOSE ALL erases only unprotected articles. When DISPOSE attempts to erase a single protected article, an error message is generated. The following table summarizes commands that protect, erase, or allocate the contents of internal memory. For more information, see Chapter 3, \Controlling Memory."