Language Reference
REPEAT/ | Repeat a list of analyzer commands until a condition is met. |
Example | 250 | OUTPUT | 723;"STARTWL 600NM;SP 100NM" | Set measurement range. |
| 270 | OUTPUT | 723;"REPEAT;"; | Begin repeat loop . |
| 280 | OUTPUT | 723;"MOV STARTWL,STOPWL;TS;"; | Set the start wavelength equal to |
| the stop wavelength and take a |
| sweep. |
| 290 | OUTPUT 723;"UNTIL STARTWL,EQ,1000NM;" | End loop when the start wave- | |
| length equals 1000 nm. |
Description The REPEAT and UNTIL commands work together to form a looping construct. All commands following the REPEAT command are executed
repeatedly until the condition specied after the UNTIL command is satised.