Language Reference
Commands that May Require Conversion using MEASU
Command |
| Denition |
| |||
ABS | Compute absolute | value . |
| ||||||||
ADD | Add sources, point b y point. |
| ||||||||||
AVG | Average source | with | destination, | point b | y point. | ||||||||
BIT | Store value of | bit. |
| |||||
CONCAT | Concatenate trace . |
| |||||||
DIV | Divide sources, | point | b | y point, | discard | remainder . | |||||||
EXP | Divide source b y scaling factor and raise to power of 10. | ||||||||||||
INT | Compute integer | value . |
| |||||||
| ||||||||||
LOG | Compute | logarithm. |
| ||||||
MEAN | Compute mean value of data points. |
| |||||||||||
MIN | Retain minimum | value. |
| |||||||
MOD | Divide sources, | point | by point, | retain remainder . | |||||||||
MOV | Duplicate | value(s) |
| contained | in | source and place in destination. | |||||||
MPY | Multiply | sources, |
| point | by | point. |
| ||||||
MXM | Retain maximum |
| value. |
| ||||||
| |||||||||
RMS | Compute root mean square of source, point by point. | ||||||||||||
SQR | Compute square root of source, point by point. | ||||||||||||
STDEV | Compute | standard | deviation. |
| ||||||||
SUB | Subtract | sources, |
| point | by | point. |
| ||||||
SUM | Add | sources, | point | by | point. |
| ||||||
SUMSQR | Add | square | of | sources, | point by point. | ||||||||
VARIANCE | Compute | variance . |
| ||||||
XCH | Exchange | sources. |