Language Reference
Use the MEASU command to preserve decimal values. All trace amplitude information is stored internally and manipulated in measurement units. This means a 010 dBm reference-level value is converted to 01000 measurement units before it is transferred to a trace element. (Recall that a measurement unit is one hundredth of a decibel.) This process is invisible to the user except in math and move functions when the source consists of a variable or real number, and the destination is a trace array or element. In this case, the source and destination express numbers in dierent units, making a conversion necessary. If the conversion is omitted, resulting data will be inaccurate by a factor of 100 and signicant digits can be lost. If the reference trace is not specied, the last active trace is the reference trace. If the units are not specied, the AUNITS command determines the units.
MEASU must be used as either a query or as a source in another analyzer-command function. Form a query by ending the MEASU statement with a question mark (?). When used as a query, MEASU sends the measurement-unit value of the source to the computer.
Use MEASU as a source by incorporating the MEASU statement into the source of any spectrum-analyzer command having predened function in its syntax diagram. When MEASU is used as a source, the measurement-unit value of the source is used for operation by the command that contains
The following table lists commands that require the use of the MEASU command.